Lena Schumacher
M. Sc. Human Resources Management
Lena Schumacher supports the team of Dr. Schwerdtfeger HR Consult within mandates with a regional focus since June 2015.
Furthermore, she is responsible for both strategic marketing and public relations.
Mrs. Schumacher did her bachelor thesis about dialogue marketing and customer retention in cooperation with Dr. Schwerdtfeger HR Consult before starting her career.
She completed her studies in services marketing with success at the University of Vechta in 2015. In 2017, she decided to study part-time and successfully completed her Master’s degree in Human Resources at the FOM in Münster in 2020.
Grown up in the Oldenburger Münsterland, Mrs. Schumacher now lives with her husband in Vechta and dedicates her leisure time to her family and friends as well as to sports activities and traveling.