Christian Hüsing

Junior HR Consultant Agribusiness
Bachelor of Science Agricultural Sciences

After graduating from school in 2013, Christian Huesing began a two-year apprenticeship as a wholesale and foreign trade merchant at an international trading company focused on agribusiness located in the heart of Northwest Germany.

The farmer’s son then decided to study agricultural sciences with a focus on agribusiness at Georg-August-University in Goettingen. He completed his studies successfully in 2019.

During an internship he got to know the Dr. Schwerdtfeger HR Consultancy and supported the team of Agri HR Consult as a student within several projects from August 2017 to February 2019.

In spring 2019 he participated in the 44th TOP course of the Andreas-Hermes-Akadmie and joined the Agri HR Consult team as Junior HR Consultant for Agribusiness immediatly afterwards in March 2019.

Currently Mr. Huesing lives in Buehren (Lower-Saxony, Germany) and spends his leisure time with friends, voluntary work and hunting.

Christian Hüsing
Contact Christian Huesing:

+49 (0) 4473 94 336 18